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Low-Fat Cream

Gelatin is a highly sought-after ingredient due to its ability to impart sensory properties. Its versatility as a hydrophilic colloid makes it an ideal choice for applications requiring only minimal amounts. Additionally, its user-friendly nature makes it easy to incorporate into a variety of products, further contributing to its superior performance as an ingredient.

1. Gelatin’s stabilizing effect is highly effective in preventing emulsification damage during storage and creaming, contributing to superior product stability and performance.

2. The unique melting properties and gelatinous texture of gelatin result in low-fat products that offer similar sensory perception and texture to their high-fat counterparts, thereby enhancing overall consumer satisfaction.

3. Gelatin can be combined with other hydrocolloids, such as agar, to achieve optimal product texture and performance when used under specific process conditions where gelatin alone may not suffice. This versatile application makes it an ideal choice for use in various dairy products.